Toplam 22753 kayıt

The Relationship between Positive Voice Behavior and Organizational Loyalty: An Example of a Public Hospital

  Çetinkaya, F.F., Şener, E., AKKOCA, Y., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "The Relationship between Positive Voice Behavior and Organizational Loyalty: An Example of a Public Hospital", XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences , Odessa, Ukrayna, (Ağustos 2017 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6631"> Çetinkaya, F.F., Şener, E., AKKOCA, Y., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "The Relationship between Positive Voice Behavior and Organizational Loyalty: An Example of a Public Hospital", XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences , Odessa, Ukrayna, (Ağustos 2017  Çetinkaya, F.F., Şener, E., AKKOCA, Y., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "The Relationship between Positive Voice Behavior and Organizational Loyalty: An Example of a Public Hospital", XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences , Odessa, Ukrayna, (Ağustos 2017 
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences

An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment, And Medical Malpractice Trends In Nurses

ÖZATA, M., Şener, E. (2017) "An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment, And Medical Malpractice Trends In Nurses", 3rd International Congress On Social And Economic Sciences , Atina, Yunanistan, (Kasım 2017 ÖZATA, M., Şener, E. (2017) "An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment, And Medical Malpractice Trends In Nurses", 3rd International Congress On Social And Economic Sciences , Atina, Yunanistan, (Kasım 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
3rd International Congress On Social And Economic Sciences

Family Enterprses And Favoritism: A Qualitative Research.

Çetinkaya, F.F., Şener, E. (2017) "Family Enterprses And Favoritism: A Qualitative Research.", XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences , Odessa, Ukrayna, (Ağustos 2017 Çetinkaya, F.F., Şener, E. (2017) "Family Enterprses And Favoritism: A Qualitative Research.", XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences , Odessa, Ukrayna, (Ağustos 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
XIV. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences

Pozitif Ses Çıkarma Davranışının Öncülü Olarak İletişim Doyumu: Bir Kamu Hastanesi Örneği.

  Şener, E., Çetinkaya, F.F., Yüksel, A.N., AKKOCA, Y. (2017) "Pozitif Ses Çıkarma Davranışının Öncülü Olarak İletişim Doyumu: Bir Kamu Hastanesi Örneği.", 1. Uluslararası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi , Trabzon, (Ekim 2017 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6634"> Şener, E., Çetinkaya, F.F., Yüksel, A.N., AKKOCA, Y. (2017) "Pozitif Ses Çıkarma Davranışının Öncülü Olarak İletişim Doyumu: Bir Kamu Hastanesi Örneği.", 1. Uluslararası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi , Trabzon, (Ekim 2017  Şener, E., Çetinkaya, F.F., Yüksel, A.N., AKKOCA, Y. (2017) "Pozitif Ses Çıkarma Davranışının Öncülü Olarak İletişim Doyumu: Bir Kamu Hastanesi Örneği.", 1. Uluslararası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi , Trabzon, (Ekim 2017 
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
1. Uluslararası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi

Interaction Of Intrapreneurship And Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Study In Public And Private Sectors

Şener, E., Kocaoğlu, M. (2017) "Interaction Of Intrapreneurship And Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Study In Public And Private Sectors", International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies , (Mayıs 2017 Şener, E., Kocaoğlu, M. (2017) "Interaction Of Intrapreneurship And Organizational Commitment: A Comparative Study In Public And Private Sectors", International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies , (Mayıs 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies

Ahiliğin İzinde İş Hayatında Erdem

Şener, E., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "Ahiliğin İzinde İş Hayatında Erdem", International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies, ICPESS , (pp. 313), (Haziran 2017 Şener, E., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "Ahiliğin İzinde İş Hayatında Erdem", International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies, ICPESS , (pp. 313), (Haziran 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies, ICPESS

The Reflections of Digitalization at Organizational Level: Industry 4.0

Şener, E., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "The Reflections of Digitalization at Organizational Level: Industry 4.0", International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies, , (pp. 112), Bosnia Herzegovina, (Haziran 2017 Şener, E., Yüksel, A.N. (2017) "The Reflections of Digitalization at Organizational Level: Industry 4.0", International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies, , (pp. 112), Bosnia Herzegovina, (Haziran 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Congress On Political, Economic And Social Studies,

Bir İş-Yaşam Sorunu Olarak Çift Kariyerli Eşler: Hemşireler Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Şener, E., Baybek, H., Kıvrak, A., Kocaoğlu, M. (2017) "Bir İş-Yaşam Sorunu Olarak Çift Kariyerli Eşler: Hemşireler Üzerine Bir Çalışma", 1. Uluslar arası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi , Trabzon, (Kasım 2017 Şener, E., Baybek, H., Kıvrak, A., Kocaoğlu, M. (2017) "Bir İş-Yaşam Sorunu Olarak Çift Kariyerli Eşler: Hemşireler Üzerine Bir Çalışma", 1. Uluslar arası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi , Trabzon, (Kasım 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
1. Uluslar arası 11. Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi

The Effect of Optimism Level On Career Decision Making Competence And Professional Results Expect

     Şener, E., Kocaoğlu, M. (2016) "The Effect of Optimism Level On Career Decision Making Competence And Professional Results Expect", 2 nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 2016 , (pp. 205-210), Liepaja, Letonya, (Ocak 2016    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6639"> Şener, E., Kocaoğlu, M. (2016) "The Effect of Optimism Level On Career Decision Making Competence And Professional Results Expect", 2 nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 2016 , (pp. 205-210), Liepaja, Letonya, (Ocak 2016     Şener, E., Kocaoğlu, M. (2016) "The Effect of Optimism Level On Career Decision Making Competence And Professional Results Expect", 2 nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 2016 , (pp. 205-210), Liepaja, Letonya, (Ocak 2016    
2016 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Kritik Düşünme Ekseninde Empati ve Mahkum İkilemi

Şener, E., Toktaş, İ. (2015) "Kritik Düşünme Ekseninde Empati ve Mahkum İkilemi", 1. International Symposium On Critical And Analytical Thinking, , (Nisan 2015 Şener, E., Toktaş, İ. (2015) "Kritik Düşünme Ekseninde Empati ve Mahkum İkilemi", 1. International Symposium On Critical And Analytical Thinking, , (Nisan 2015
2015 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
1. International Symposium On Critical And Analytical Thinking,

Investigation of Structural, Vibrational Properties and Electronic Structure of Fluorene‐9‐Bisphenol: A DFT Approach

Link DOI     ÖZKAN-KOTİLOĞLU, S., ÇELİK, S., Tanış, E., Kurban, M. (2018) "Investigation of Structural, Vibrational Properties and Electronic Structure of Fluorene‐9‐Bisphenol: A DFT Approach", ChemistrySelect, 3 (21) pp. 5934-5940 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6649"> ÖZKAN-KOTİLOĞLU, S., ÇELİK, S., Tanış, E., Kurban, M. (2018) "Investigation of Structural, Vibrational Properties and Electronic Structure of Fluorene‐9‐Bisphenol: A DFT Approach", ChemistrySelect, 3 (21) pp. 5934-5940 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     ÖZKAN-KOTİLOĞLU, S., ÇELİK, S., Tanış, E., Kurban, M. (2018) "Investigation of Structural, Vibrational Properties and Electronic Structure of Fluorene‐9‐Bisphenol: A DFT Approach", ChemistrySelect, 3 (21) pp. 5934-5940 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2018 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

A Comprehensive Study of N-Butyl-1H-Benzimidazole

DOI       Kazachenko, A.S., Tanış, E., Akman, F., Medimagh, M., Issaoui, N., Al-Dossary, O., Bousiakou, L.G., Kazachenko, A.S., Zimonin, D., Skripnikov, A.M. (2022) "A Comprehensive Study of N-Butyl-1H-Benzimidazole", Molecules, 27 (22) [SCI Expanded] DOI      " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6650"> Kazachenko, A.S., Tanış, E., Akman, F., Medimagh, M., Issaoui, N., Al-Dossary, O., Bousiakou, L.G., Kazachenko, A.S., Zimonin, D., Skripnikov, A.M. (2022) "A Comprehensive Study of N-Butyl-1H-Benzimidazole", Molecules, 27 (22) [SCI Expanded] DOI       Kazachenko, A.S., Tanış, E., Akman, F., Medimagh, M., Issaoui, N., Al-Dossary, O., Bousiakou, L.G., Kazachenko, A.S., Zimonin, D., Skripnikov, A.M. (2022) "A Comprehensive Study of N-Butyl-1H-Benzimidazole", Molecules, 27 (22) [SCI Expanded] DOI      
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

The molecular interaction of human anti-apoptotic proteins and <i>in silico</i> ADMET, drug-likeness and toxicity computation of N-cyclohexylmethacrylamide

DOI        Çankaya, N., YALÇIN-AZARKAN, S., Tanış, E. (2022) "The molecular interaction of human anti-apoptotic proteins and <i>in silico</i> ADMET, drug-likeness and toxicity computation of N-cyclohexylmethacrylamide", Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 45 (5) pp. 1963-1970 [SCI Expanded] DOI       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6651"> Çankaya, N., YALÇIN-AZARKAN, S., Tanış, E. (2022) "The molecular interaction of human anti-apoptotic proteins and <i>in silico</i> ADMET, drug-likeness and toxicity computation of N-cyclohexylmethacrylamide", Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 45 (5) pp. 1963-1970 [SCI Expanded] DOI        Çankaya, N., YALÇIN-AZARKAN, S., Tanış, E. (2022) "The molecular interaction of human anti-apoptotic proteins and <i>in silico</i> ADMET, drug-likeness and toxicity computation of N-cyclohexylmethacrylamide", Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 45 (5) pp. 1963-1970 [SCI Expanded] DOI       
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Drug and Chemical Toxicology

Study of Electronic, Optoelectronic and Photonic Properties of NBB Material in Solvent Environments

DOI       Tanış, E. (2022) "Study of Electronic, Optoelectronic and Photonic Properties of NBB Material in Solvent Environments", Journal of Electronic Materials, 51 (9) pp. 4978-4985 [SCI Expanded] DOI      " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6652"> Tanış, E. (2022) "Study of Electronic, Optoelectronic and Photonic Properties of NBB Material in Solvent Environments", Journal of Electronic Materials, 51 (9) pp. 4978-4985 [SCI Expanded] DOI       Tanış, E. (2022) "Study of Electronic, Optoelectronic and Photonic Properties of NBB Material in Solvent Environments", Journal of Electronic Materials, 51 (9) pp. 4978-4985 [SCI Expanded] DOI      
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Journal of Electronic Materials

New optoelectronic material based on biguanide for orange and yellow organic light emitting diode: A combined experimental and theoretical study

DOI      Tanış, E. (2022) "New optoelectronic material based on biguanide for orange and yellow organic light emitting diode: A combined experimental and theoretical study", Journal of Molecular Liquids, 358 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6653"> Tanış, E. (2022) "New optoelectronic material based on biguanide for orange and yellow organic light emitting diode: A combined experimental and theoretical study", Journal of Molecular Liquids, 358 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI      Tanış, E. (2022) "New optoelectronic material based on biguanide for orange and yellow organic light emitting diode: A combined experimental and theoretical study", Journal of Molecular Liquids, 358 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Journal of Molecular Liquids

Optical and photonic properties dependence on HNMB solvents: An emitter molecule for OLEDs

DOI      Tanış, E. (2022) "Optical and photonic properties dependence on HNMB solvents: An emitter molecule for OLEDs", Optik, 252 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6654"> Tanış, E. (2022) "Optical and photonic properties dependence on HNMB solvents: An emitter molecule for OLEDs", Optik, 252 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI      Tanış, E. (2022) "Optical and photonic properties dependence on HNMB solvents: An emitter molecule for OLEDs", Optik, 252 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

A study of silicon and germanium-based molecules in terms of solar cell devices performance

DOI        Tanış, E. (2022) "A study of silicon and germanium-based molecules in terms of solar cell devices performance", The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS, 46 (5) pp. 1607-1619 [SCI Expanded] DOI       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6655"> Tanış, E. (2022) "A study of silicon and germanium-based molecules in terms of solar cell devices performance", The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS, 46 (5) pp. 1607-1619 [SCI Expanded] DOI        Tanış, E. (2022) "A study of silicon and germanium-based molecules in terms of solar cell devices performance", The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS, 46 (5) pp. 1607-1619 [SCI Expanded] DOI       
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS

First Report of the Synthesis, Characterization, DFT Calculations of the New Oxoethyl Methacrylate and o-Acetamide and Evaluation of Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm and Antioxidant Effect

DOI      Çankaya, N., Korcan, S.E., Çolak, N., Aydın, B., Tanış, E. (2023) "First Report of the Synthesis, Characterization, DFT Calculations of the New Oxoethyl Methacrylate and o-Acetamide and Evaluation of Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm and Antioxidant Effect", Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 43 (6) pp. 5139-5157 [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6656"> Çankaya, N., Korcan, S.E., Çolak, N., Aydın, B., Tanış, E. (2023) "First Report of the Synthesis, Characterization, DFT Calculations of the New Oxoethyl Methacrylate and o-Acetamide and Evaluation of Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm and Antioxidant Effect", Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 43 (6) pp. 5139-5157 [SCI Expanded] DOI      Çankaya, N., Korcan, S.E., Çolak, N., Aydın, B., Tanış, E. (2023) "First Report of the Synthesis, Characterization, DFT Calculations of the New Oxoethyl Methacrylate and o-Acetamide and Evaluation of Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm and Antioxidant Effect", Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 43 (6) pp. 5139-5157 [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

Preparation, spectral characterization, ESR measurements and DFT calculations of Schiff base copper(II) complex

DOI      Öztürk, S.T., Aksu, P., Özek, N.T., Buldurun, K., Tanış, E., Çolak, N. (2021) "Preparation, spectral characterization, ESR measurements and DFT calculations of Schiff base copper(II) complex", Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51 (11) pp. 1546-1552 [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6657"> Öztürk, S.T., Aksu, P., Özek, N.T., Buldurun, K., Tanış, E., Çolak, N. (2021) "Preparation, spectral characterization, ESR measurements and DFT calculations of Schiff base copper(II) complex", Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51 (11) pp. 1546-1552 [SCI Expanded] DOI      Öztürk, S.T., Aksu, P., Özek, N.T., Buldurun, K., Tanış, E., Çolak, N. (2021) "Preparation, spectral characterization, ESR measurements and DFT calculations of Schiff base copper(II) complex", Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51 (11) pp. 1546-1552 [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry

Toxic potential of Poly-hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB): A DFT, AIM and NCI analysis study with solvent effects

DOI      ÇELİK, S., Tanış, E. (2022) "Toxic potential of Poly-hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB): A DFT, AIM and NCI analysis study with solvent effects", Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1212 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-6658"> ÇELİK, S., Tanış, E. (2022) "Toxic potential of Poly-hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB): A DFT, AIM and NCI analysis study with solvent effects", Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1212 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI      ÇELİK, S., Tanış, E. (2022) "Toxic potential of Poly-hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB): A DFT, AIM and NCI analysis study with solvent effects", Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1212 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry