Akademisyenler > Bahadır ALTUN > Proje Detayı
The rooting rates of summer cuttings of Rhododendron in Turkey
Proje Ekibi
Doç. Dr. Bahadır ALTUN Doç. Dr. Bahadır ALTUN
Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Projedeki Rolü: Yürütücü
Proje Türü Yükseköğretim Kurumları Tarafından Destekli Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi
Proje No ZRT.E2.17.033
Proje Konusu This study was carried out to determine the possibilities of cutting propagations of the widespread 5 Rhododendron species (R. ponticum L., R. luteum Sweet, R. smirnovii Trautv., R.ungernii Trautv., and R. caucasicum Pallas) in Turkey. The plant material was obtained as tip cuttings from Black Sea Region flora in three diffent collection times June, July and August. These materials subjected to 5 IBA doses (0, 4000 ppm, 8000 ppm, 12000 ppm and 16000 ppm) were planted in mistpropagation system in which acidic peat and perlite mixture was used as rooting media. For each dose, 60 cuttings (20*3 replicates) were planted in randomized block experimental design. Results showed that three rhododendron species (R. ponticum, R. luteum ve R. smirnovii) were succesfully rootes but the others (R. ungerni and R. caucasicum) were not. Only applied 16.000 ppm IBA, the higher rooting rates were obtained in R. ponticum as 46.66 % propagation rate in August collection, in R. luteum as 38.33 % in June, and in R. smirnovii as 13.33% in August, in descending order. To conclude, when the cutting materials were obtained in summer season, the rooting rates were quite lower in Rhododendron species.
Proje Durumu Tamamlandı
Başlangıç Tarihi 07-06-2017
Bitiş Tarihi 09-10-2017
BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
