Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Lactation Milk Yield, Lactation Length and Daily Milk Yield of Anatolian Buffaloes
Proje Ekibi
Doç. Dr. Gökhan FİLİK Doç. Dr. Gökhan FİLİK
Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Projedeki Rolü: Yürütücü
Proje Türü Yükseköğretim Kurumları Tarafından Destekli Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi
Proje No ZRT.E2.17.028
Proje Konusu The objective of the study was to investigate the some environmental factors affecting the milk yield traits of a total of 517 Anatolian buffalo supported by General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies in Amasya province, in the middle Black Sea Region of Turkey in 2015 year. Calving age and calving season were assessed as affecting fixed factors on daily milk yield (DMY), lactation milk yield (LMY) and lactation length (LL). Calving age was between 3 and 10 including into the later all records higher than 10. Calving season was classified according to four calving season groups (autumn, winter, spring and summer). The effects of fixed factors were determined by using SPSS statistical programme. The study results demonstrated that the overall means of DMY, LMY and LL were calculated as 3.6±0.06 kg, 676.2±12.31 kg and 188.5±1.47 day, respectively. Calving age had a significant effect on LMY and LL (P<0.05), but its effect on DMY was not significant. DMY, LMY and LL were statistically effected by calving season (P<0.05). In concussion, milk yield traits were affected by calving age and calving season. Keywords: Anatolian Buffaloes,Lactation milk yield,Lactation length,Calving age,Calving season
Proje Durumu Tamamlandı
Başlangıç Tarihi 04-05-2017
Bitiş Tarihi 09-10-2017
BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
