San Antonio Case Studies
Proje Ekibi
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ömer ERTUĞRUL Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ömer ERTUĞRUL
Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Projedeki Rolü: Araştırmacı
Proje Türü Diğer Uluslararası Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
Proje No -
Proje Konusu San Antonio demonstrates a complex resource hotspot within Texas, and has promising potential. The case studies will attempt to identify a vision for growth that considers the tightly interconnected resources of water, energy, and food by addressing the trade-offs between these resource systems. Home to a rapidly growing population, the Eagle Ford shale play, and with major agricultural activity in its environs, this hotspot has many competing demands. Stakeholders need the tools to address future resource challenges. This WEFNI project will attempt to address those needs through six distinct, but interrelated, case studies for which objectives, outcomes, and data collection needs will be identified by the team leads each team is supported with graduate student
Proje Durumu Tamamlandı
Başlangıç Tarihi 01-08-2016
Bitiş Tarihi 15-06-2018
BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
